brand new VOA vials Perkin Elmer
Lab Equipment and Lab Supplies | Fisher Scientific
Epredia™ AlcoSCRUB™ Instant Antiseptic Hand Cleanser Squeeze Bottle. Ethyl Alcohol Non UV, MilliporeSigma™. MilliporeSigma™ Supelco™ BIOshell™ IgG C18 HPLC Column, 1,000 Å, 2.7 μm Particle Size. Honeywell Uvex™ Fog Eliminator Plus Cloths. Fisherbrand™ SterilElite 40 L
Seals | Sigma-Aldrich
Pricing. 27362. silver aluminum seal, seal diam. 20 mm, open center, white PTFE/silicone septum, pkg of 100 ea. Pricing. SU860010. diam. × total thickness...