HPLC Vials for Sale. Content. Inquiry. * Name: * Email: Chemical Oxygen Demand Tubes Distributors ... 16mm cod test tube for water analysis for sale.
Our COD line is compatible with most instruments that accept 16 mm vials, dichromate digestion method. Vials are packaged in 25-, 100- and 150-count boxes to
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is one of the most important parameters in effluent monitoring and treatment. The COD test is used to predict the requirement
A COD test typically involves digestion of a water sample in a sealed vial with potassium dichromate and sulfuric acid at 150oC for 2 hours. Why test for COD?
China leading glass sample vials supplier and manufacturers,welcome to wholesale discounting buy 16mm chemical oxygen demand vials for sale manufacturer.
Hach's USEPA-approved dichromate COD Method is the most widely used chemical oxygen demand (COD) method for NPDES reporting in the world.
Hach's USEPA-approved dichromate COD Method is the most widely used chemical oxygen demand (COD) method for NPDES reporting in the.
COD vials 0-1500 mg/l can be used with the Aqualytic PC Spectro®, Aqualytic PC Compact Vario® and all Hach® Spectrophotometers that accept 16mm vials.
found in: COD2 Digestion Vials, Dichromate, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/L COD Hach products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only.