Hach's USEPA-approved dichromate COD Method is the most widely used chemical oxygen demand (COD) method for NPDES reporting in the.
discounting economical 10mL cod reagent vials factory Dec 07, 2021 · wholesales certified 15mL chemical oxygen demand vials with round bottom-glass sample
A COD test typically involves digestion of a water sample in a sealed vial with potassium dichromate and sulfuric acid at 150oC for 2 hours. Why test for COD?
CHEMetrics, Inc., manufactures a quality, cost-effective line of reagent vials for performing Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) analysis. Both USEPA-Approved and
Products used to measure levels of oxidizable organic compounds within water samples; includes tubes, vials, and reagents designed for COD testing.
Details of Chemical Oxygen Demand Test: 2mL of a water or watse water sample are added to a 16mm glass culture tube containing the digestion reagent and a
chemical oxygen demand (COD) samples. The accu-TEST COD Reactor Block is easier to use and more economical than ... methods for COD vial digestion.
The dichromate ion (Cr2O72-) has proven itself to be best suited for general purpose COD and is required in all approved methods. Approved Methods. There are
16 results COD Test: The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) test uses a strong chemical oxidant ... Demand Wastewater QC Sample, 15 mL vial, yields up to 2 L after ...